Eighth of January and Happy Birthday to Lonnie Robertson!

The 8th of January is somewhat of a holiday for most fiddlers.  The old tune, "Eighth of January" is one of the most widely played tunes in this genre regardless of region.  It just so happens that one of the very best fiddlers to ever draw a bow was born on this date in 1908 and that fiddler is, Lonnie Robertson.  One of radios first fiddlers and in my not so humble opinion, one of the very best fiddle players to call Missouri home. 

I clipped an old field recording I had of his down and did my best to undo all of the damage done by 40 years of dubbing down multiple times onto cassettes.  So here's Lonnie Robertson and Gordon McCann laying down the, "Eighth of January" like no one else could.

Click here for the downloadable clip.

Thanks for joining in and hope you're enjoying it so far!

John P. Williams


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